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Article 1 (Name) The institute is called the Asian Women Law Institute.

Article 2 (Location) The office of the institute is located at 609 Law Building Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 107 Imunro Dongdaemungu, Seoul The Republic of Korea.


Article 3 (Purpose) The institute aims to contribute to the development of culture on law in Korea by conducting academic research on jurisprudence .

Article 4 (Business) The Institute carries out the following business to achieve the purpose of the preceding article.

  1. Holding research presentations and academic lectures
  2. Publication of the Journal and other books
  3. Businesses deemed necessary by the General Meeting or the Board of Directors


Article 5 (Division and Qualification)

  1. Members of this institute shall be women professors, female jurists and female lawyers, both at home and abroad.
  2. The membership of this institute must be approved by the Board of Directors as a party to the purpose of the institute.

Article 6 (Rights and Obligations)

  1. Members have the right to operate the Institute.
  2. Members are obliged to attend conferences, pay dues, and cooperate with the operation of the institute.
  3. If a member does not fulfill her obligations as a member, she may be expelled by resolution of the Board of Directors.


Article 7 (Classification of Officers)

  • The following officers shall be appointed for the operation of this institute.
    1. a President
    2. Two Vice-presidents
    3. a few Directors
    4. Two Auditors
    5. a General manager
    6. Two Secretaries
  • The president may appoint a director from among the directors who will be responsible for general affairs, research, publishing, and other activities.

Article 8 (Appointment of Officers)

  1. The president, vice-presidents, directors and auditors shall be elected by the General Meeting.
  2. The election of the vice-presidents and directors may be delegated to the president by resolution of the General Meeting.
  3. The Honorary President may be appointed by resolution of the General Meeting.

Article 9 (Advisors and Consultants)

  1. The institute can place a few advisors and consultants.
  2. Advisors and consultants are appointed by the president through a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 10 (Term of Officers)

  1. The term of the president, vice-presidents and officers shall be two years.
  2. The term of the auditors shall be two years.

Article 11 (President)

  1. The president represents this institute.
  2. In the event of the president being deposed, the vice-president appointed by the president in advance shall act on duties of the president.

Article 12 (Board of Directors)

  1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of a president, vice-presidents and directors, and shall carry out the tasks of this institute.
  2. The president shall convene the Board of Directors at the request of the president or three or more directors.
  3. When a majority of diretors is present and a majority of directors in attendance votes for a resolution, the resolution of the Board of Directors shall be made.

Article 13 (Judging Committee and Editorial Committee)

  1. The Judging committee and the Editorial committee shall be established for the examination and editing of the theses to be published in the journals of this institute.
  2. The composition and other matters concerning the operation of the Judging Committee and Editorial Committee shall be determined by the Rules of the Board of Directors.

Article 14 (Audit) The auditors should audit the works and accounts of the institute and report the results(the audit report) to the General Meeting.

Article 15 (General Meeting)

  1. The president shall convene a regular General Meeting once a year and report on the works of the institute.
  2. The president may convene an extraordinary General Meeting at any time if deemed necessary.
  3. When a majority of members is present and a majority of members in attendance votes for a resolution, the resolution of the General Meeting shall be made.

CHAPTER 5 Finance

Article 16 (Revenue)

  1. The financial resources for the operation of this institute shall be the membership fee, dues, donations and other income.
  2. Income and dues are determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 17 (Fiscal Year) The fiscal year of this institute is from January 1 to the end of December of each year.


Article 18 (Rules of the Board of Directors) The Board of Directors may, without prejudice to the provisions of this bylaws, establish the necessary rules concerning the operation of the Institute.

These Articles of the Institute shall enter into force on October 19, 2007.

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these rules is to establish the procedure and administration process according to the Rule of the Asian Women Law Institute Article 13 -2.

Article 2 (Memebers) Thesis Examination Committee shall consist of no more than 10 members appointed by the board of directors.

Article 3 (Authority)

  1. Thesis Examination Committee reviews theses to be published in the research papers and other books published by this institute.
  2. If necessary, the examination of the thesis can be assigned to experts in the field.
  3. When a resolution of the thesis review committee is required, a majority of attendance committee members and a majority of attendance committee members shall be appointed.

This rule will be effective on October 19, 2007.

Article 1. (Purpose) The purpose of these rules is to establish the procedure and administration process of editorial committee according to the rule of the Asian Women Law Institute Article 13-2.

Article 2. (Members) Thesis Examination Committee shall consist of no more than 10 members appointed by the board of directors.

Article 3. (Authority)

  1. The editorial committee compiles papers to be published in research papers and other books published by this institute.
  2. (Deleted by resolution of board of directors on May 27, 2000)
  3. When a resolution of the editorial committee is required, a majority of the members of the committee shall be present and a majority of the members present.

This rule will be effective on October 19, 2007.